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Graduate Student Courses

The following graduate-level courses are taught by WSU Mount Vernon NWREC Faculty:

Field Plant Pathology (PL_P 525)

Instructor: Dr. Lindsey du Toit, Professor & Extension Specialist
Semester(s) Offered: Summer, even years
Number of credits: 3

Course Description

The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the diversity of fruit, vegetable, grain, forestry, and ornamental crops grown in Washington State, the nature and diagnosis of diseases affecting these crops, and diverse aspects of field plant pathology and extension. Students will observe a wide variety of cropping systems and agro-ecosystems, and will interact directly with faculty, extension personnel, growers, consultants, regulatory agents, and other stakeholders involved in plant disease research, extension, consulting, production, and regulation.

The course entails two separate weeks of travel across Washington State by bus—the middle week of June and the middle week of July (exact dates are finalized each time the course is taught based on the guest speakers and sites visited). All students taking the course travel together in a bus with the course instructor.


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Advanced Topics in Soils (SOIL_SCI 502)

Instructor: Dr. Deirdre Griffin LaHue, Assistant Professor
Semester(s) Offered: Fall 2020 (T/Th 11:10 – 12:00)
Number of credits: 2

Course Description

This discussion-based course will examine soil health concepts through recent literature and lectures on topics including paradigms of organic matter cycling, organo-mineral interactions, soil microbiomes, and rhizosphere processes. We will connect these findings to soil and agroecosystem management to think about improved perceptions, measurements, and facilitation of soil health.

Students will have opportunities to engage with key researchers and practitioners in this field and to collaboratively create outreach products (e.g. videos, factsheets, podcasts).


Soil Fertility Management (SOIL_SCI 547)

Instructor: Dr. Gabriel LaHue, Assistant Professor
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, even years
Number of credits: 3

Course Description

This online course seeks to help students develop an in-depth understanding of the role fertilizers play in agricultural production systems. This includes fertilizer mining and manufacturing procedures, current issues related to fertilizer availability and energy use, the role of soil and plant tissue analysis in developing fertilizer management plans, alternative nutrient sources, considerations for fertilizer placement, and water-nutrient interactions as they pertain to nutrient availability to plants.


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